Wednesday 1 January 2014

Mum with the Lord /journey to Germany

Dear friends,

How are you?

We wish you a blessed 2014!!!

We are praying that God will changes us more and more into His likeness. That we will make decisions that please Him & that we will stand strong for Him in this progressive End time.


My mother went to her wonderful Saviour on the eve of the 23. Thank you so much for your prayers & please keep at it for my father & sisters + family.

God has again and again brought life out of death; we trust he will do so again in this situation with my mother being "promoted".

Please remember especially our two catholic memorials on 7. & 14.01, that my relative will experience the Lord!


Would have loved to have seen mum again but it was not meant to be. It really was a miracle that she did gain consciousness again on Sunday since she had lost it all day Saturday. The doctor had said that she would not ...but through this grace of our loving God I was able to thank her & say good bye to her.  How precious and comforting are her last words to me:

"Jesus is waiting for me with his arms wide open"


The see our Lord one day (& maybe mum to) with all the saints in the heavenly Jerusalem will be incomparable with having seen her again down here.

In His presence, where God will wipe away all tears from our eyes, where there will no longer be any death, or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things will have passed away – Praise be to our God!!! Revelation 21 Verse 4


Then the dwelling of God will be with men and He will live with us and we will be His people and God Himself will be with us and be our God!!! (Vers3)


(Highly recommend Ted Burpo's book "Heaven's for real")


This Saturday we're planning to touch down in Germany. It will be an emotional and busy with a lot of visits with family & driving. Please pry that God will carry us though, protect us and use as his lights. We look forward to a short time at our mission & the folks there. On the 20.01 our flight will take us again to our life & ministry in Zimbabwe. There a busy term is waiting for us. David will move to the "big class" in pre-school.


Thank you for all your sympathy, prayer & help! You are a great team!!!


In his name & service,


Your Martin & Silke + David & Joshua