Sunday 9 June 2013

Good News!!

Dear Halfordites,
How are you?
It’s pretty cold here, we’ve e got winter. +15.C in our bed room at the moment.
The boys are great, growing like weedsclip_image001.
Silke is quite tired after my bout of Malaria or a virus (could not be confirmed either way). Yesterday she spoke at a woman’s breakfast on “Trusting God”. The Ladies were blessed by it – God is good!
We also praise God that I’m over the worst of my bout of Malaria or the virus infection (cannot be 100% established either way).
Wednesday the discipleship course is going quite well with the youth at the orphanage this week our memory verses were from Eph3:16+17. Thursday I went for a talk to Peter House School to their Christian Forum were about 120 young boys & youth Christians and Prep-dodgers gathered. The theme was the importance to know the written word of God and also to know THE Word of God that has.  Come to us Jesus Christ! (John 1 + 1 John). Tonight I’ll be at Watershed College where about 500 youngsters will listen to my theme of “Holiness & freedom from pornography” (
We’ve got some more good news: on Thursday my Scripture Union Boss came and finally had the permission to start again in teaching Scripture & HIV/Aids in the primary school – Praise God –thank you for holding out with us in prayer for that!!!
So all being well I’ll start that again this Tuesday. The last three weeks I would not have been able to go anyway, but I had wanted to start before that... in Africa things just work a little different.... BUT the Lord has His plan even here and we do trust him.
Thank you again for your support!!!
God bless you,
“Your father” Martin & Family