Wednesday 24 August 2011

News from the Waldvogels

Dear friends,

how are you?

Thank you so much for praying for us out in Africa!

We are so aware of your prayers!

We've had a full term and it's good to have some more breathing space at the moment to be able to do some thing that normally there is no time for & get a rest to.

Our short term mission team from the Baptist Church in Johannesburg/SA was a great encouragement for us & they were a great blessing to us and the churches, schools & orphanage here!

At the moment we have a team from Harare here for a teaching session day & sleep over. It's great to share some of our experience & methods with them.

The last couple of months have been busy with finishing up teaching, holding lessons in the orphanage and been involved with our churches. Last Sunday Silke shared in our house church on  Prov 3:5+6 & I preached on Joel 3_32. God is such a great saviour-what grace to belong to Him!!!! We had good responses in both times & about 10 people coming for prayer afterwards. God is building his kingdom!!!


David continues to grow well, he's a delight to us. Of course almost 2,5 years old now he's also testing his limits :-)


We are planning to go to Germany at the end of Nov. for a year of home assignment/Sabbatical/orientation. About march time we'll come over to UK to. We are praying for God's direction, please do to. At the moment we are applying for the permanent residency. The outcome of this (please pray :-), we will also count in into how long the Lord wants us in Zimbabwe to. But also other ways that the Lord speaks to us.

We really want to be in the centre of God's will, nowhere else will we have peace.


Thank you again for being behind us & God bless you richly,

your Martin & Silke + David


PS. Tomorrow we're off to celebrate our 11th year wedding aniversary-Praise the Lord!!! We'll be at our african "Black Forest" for two days