Friday 19 October 2012

New Waldvogel Not Yet in the Nest

Dear friends,

how are you?

The new edition is not our yet.

Silke & we are well –Praise the Lord!

Our due date was yesterday but came and went...

Do pray for a natural birth to be given to us, the Doc's talk about inducing in about a week's time.

We so much enjoy having Isobel Donald from Halford House (Our sending church in Richmond) with us for two weeks now.

God bless You ,

Your waldvogels

Ps. We'll (mostly me Martin) have a organisational meeting at HQ tomorrow. From Mon – Fr we're having a week for missionaries & workers here at the HQ and on the 28th I Martin will take part in a mission meeting near Stuttgart. All this will of course be altered by the new guy when he decides to break through.