Wednesday 7 April 2010

Orphanage, Church, men's fellowship & conference

Dear friends,
how are you?
We trust you had a good Easter celebration! Christ has conquered death – Hallelujah!!!
It's time for an update again!!!
Thank you for your continuing support in prayer & kind!!!
We've been busy finishing off the term. The Mission week in Peterhouse school was amazing with lots of kids committing & recommitting to our Lord Jesus Christ
Term came to a busy end, I was able to continue teaching the life of Jesus , featuring the raising of Jairus' daughter and many other miracles of Jesus.

Attached 5 of the great children from our orphanage who we've taken to the dam several times, what a privilege!!

 Our little house church that meets at Springvale school is very encouraging, we've also started a men's fellowship group and are going though the book "wild at heart".
Today we're leaving to South-Africa. Shopping, meeting our missions folks & the mighty men conference is on the program. On the way back we'll drive 300k's through Krüger National Park.
Please pray for protection there are about 2000 Lions there for instance...pray also that the trip and the conference will be a blessed time, where God leads us.
With Psalm 37 V 4-5
your Martin & Silke + David